Praise be to the presence of God at the Journal for Reseach In Public Health (JRPH) Institute of Health Sciences STRADA Indonesia can be organized and resolved in accordance with the schedule in order to become a forum for the researcher activities 

The Journal for Reseach In Public Health (JRPH) is a journal published by the editorial team of Institute of Health Sciences STRADA Indonesia. This journal serves as a forum for research results for the entire academic community both from within and outside the Institute of Health Sciences STRADA Indonesia, while the scope of this research focuses on the study of :

-Public Health Epidemiology,

-Administration and Policy Health,

-Health Promotion and Behavior,

-Biostatistics and Demography,

-Public Health Nutrition,

-Health and Safety work,



-Human Health

The Articles of this journal are published every six month, that is on January dan July (2 issue oer year)

We welcome all of experts, practitioners, and academicians who are interested in JRPH to submit their articles. Articles in this journal discuss various current issues in public health


Editor in Chief

Shanty Natalia